Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Happy Wednesday Y'all!

I hope everyone of you has had a great week so far!

Today I am linking up with Jamie. Click here to come along

I am loving Dallas' new hair bows for school. She hasn't had any new ones bought for her in almost a year, so it was time for some new ones.

I made some yummy and a little unhealthy snacks today. Let me you though, they are super yummy. The first was a simple broccoli salad. The second one is a creme cheese dip with green olive and pecans in it. You spread it on a cracker then top it off with some wickle relish. It's oh so good and both are super easy to make.

Tomorrow is "Meet the Teacher". The girls and I are all giddy and anxious about who they will have this year. It is also open house to the public for everyone to see the "new" school. It was completed last year, but they wanted to get everything from landscaping to the parking lot finished. It is going to be busy, that's for sure!

The girls had their yearly check up yesterday. As always, they are perfect! Dallas is 4ft 1in and 36lbs. Steph has grown a lot since last years check up. She has gained 19lbs and grew 6in. That puts her at 92lbs and 5ft 1/2in. She only has 3 1/2in before she is the same as me. And she's only in 6th grade! For some reason, they never showed me Dallas' growth chart. Maybe because it was a student doctor. Oh well, they are healthy happy girls and that's all that matters.

While we was at the doctor, she took a look at Kent. I mentioned that we have noticed for some time now that his left eye will go cross eyed when you take a close up photo or he is really concentrating hard on something. She said it could be a number of things from nothing to something. So therefor she is sending him to a pediatric optometrist to have him checked out. His yearly check up is coming up soon. So if you don't mind, pray for him.

I hope you all have a wonderful week and weekend that's coming up!

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