I have gotten behind the past few days on what I am thankful for...Luckily I have managed to write them down so I wouldn't forget what I am thankful for on that specific day..
Nov.2- I am thankful for God's promise(s). The promise that he will never leave us and love us unconditionally. The promise that if we accept him in our lifes and we live our life for him, that we have heavenly home waiting for us when our battle here on Earth is over.
Nov.3- Today I am thankful for the BEST parents God could have given me! They listen to me whine and cry, fuss and holler..and everything else that I have ever done. They still take care of me and my kids more than they should...I am so blessed!!
{Today} Nov.4- Today I am thankful for my sweet and amazing kids. They never seize to amaze me. Take for instance; on the way to school this morning, Dallas asked me if tomorrow is the Iron Bowl. I told her no that it wasn't and then asked her why she thought that...She said, because people are going all crazy about the game for tomorrow..With that, Steph filled her in as to why it was such a BIG game. I hve a feeling Steph might just end up working for ESPN one day!
So anyone who is anyone in the south shou;d and better know that Bama is playing LSU tomorrow...All I want to say about that is-----ROLL TIDE!!!!