Happy Monday!!
I must say that it has been a while since I have done anything on here. It feels like here lately that work and kids is getting ALL my time(I think work is getting most of it though)
I right now obsessed with this cereal!

Got some new shoes--for the bargain price of 8.00!! And they are American Eagle too :)
Pinterest..Some of my favorite finds this week

What would a post be without one of my kids in it?
Dallas had an accident at school last week; having us thinking she broke her toe. The picture doesn't show how badly her foot was bruised. She's okay now though and she enjoyed "skipping" school last Wednesday :)
Beautimous girlies! I love the inspirational quotes. I saved one to my pc so I can print it out and put it on the wall. I miss you, love you! Oh and I found you an adorable long sleeved button down top, checked, would go GREAT with anything. Jeans, leggins or a skirt. It's SO you!