We are in the process of painting Kent's room. When we moved in over a year ago, it was pepto PINK! Let's just say that he does not like pink at all. So I have been having to do a whole lot of priming just to cover it up so the actual wall color will look good. I am planning on the paint choice to be a greyish/blue color since we have a nautical type theme going on in there.
School needs to hurry back! I enjoyed summer at first, but the kids are getting "cabin" fever and I am just loosing it! We need breaks from each other. Also once school starts back that means it will be closer until Alabama football and all other fall activities that we love so much!
I usually try not to vent out alot of negativity on here, but things have been going on at home,work and other places lately that I can not seem to keep off my chest. I have prayed about it, but maybe if I just write/type it all out it will help with the heavy heart feeling. Check back later because I know I will need the advise from all you wise people out there :)
I started couponing about a month ago and I must say that I am getting a little over board with it. I have abnout 5 pages full of coupons and I seem to find alot through facebook and other websites. I have also gotten a good bit of free samples in the mail. Like today for instance, I got a sample of Secret deoderant and a coupon for a Pantene shampoo or conditioner(a $4.99 value max). So you can pretty much get a BOGO or just simply FREE! I will have to devote a whole post to my couponing..hopefully soon.
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